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West Jeff TSA Chapter
TSA stands for Technology Student Association and is to help kids learn about technology and leadership through hands-on activities and events. Currently, we have around 43 students in our chapter here at West Jeff, and are led by Mr. Williams and Mr. Wooldridge. Below is additional information:
Fund Raising Opportunities 
Our Officers are always on the lookout for new and different opportunities to raise money to cover the cost of TSA membership. As a student-led CTSO, we are fortunate to have amazing support from our school administration but we are a self-funded group. The $100 student fee to join TSA only pays for about 40% of the cost of each student for the year. The remainder has to come from the student work in seeking other sources of funding through fundraising. We are also privileged to have two Co-Treasurers that are willing to take on that challenge, however, TSA is always open new suggestions to help raise funding. Currently, you can find our fundraiser on the Home page and in News and Updates.

Weekly group meetings were voted on and established by the Officer Team to be every Tuesday from 1:50 to 3:00 pm, weather permitting.  It has always been the philosophy of WJMS TSA that students should participate in other activities and sports. Students that need to leave early for practice or other reason must check in with either the TSA Secretary, Mr. Williams, or Mr.Wooldridge. Students are still responsible for duties related to their membership or position in TSA.

Students are expected to follow all rules and guidelines established by TSA Colorado and WJMS TSA and WJMS. Student groups must work collaboratively to complete or practice any event that has been chosen by the student. This includes event requirements, documentation, and uniform if required. A rough draft of Documentation must be completed before Winter Break for students to continue in this years TSA activities.  This year's State Competition is on February 22, 2018, at the Marriott Denver Tech Center,  in Denver, CO.

WJMS TSA does rely on the help and generosity of parents to transport students to and from events. Please contact Mr. Williams or Mr.Wooldridge if you can assist with transportation.
Any questions? Contact an officer in our chapter, Mr.Wooldridge, or Mr.Williams for additional information, or visit our contact page. 
Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.


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